Garanti Edilen İçerik w/w
Suda Çözünür Demir (Fe) (EDDHA Şelatlı)



  • EDDHA şelatına sahip, Ortho – ortho Polimerine bağlı demir içerir.
  • Demir ihtiyacını gidermek için topraktan kullanılmaya uygundur.
  • Toprakta geniş pH aralığında çalışır.
  • Etki süresi hızlı ve yüksek Ortho – Ortho dan dolayı uzundur.
  • Granül yapıda %100 suda çözünür.


*Ambalaj Şekli: 1 kg, 5kg

Must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing works pleasure and praising uts pain was born and I will gives you a itself completed account of the system, and sed expounds the ut actual teachings of that greater sed explores truth.
Denouncing works pleasures and praising pains was us born and I will gives you a completed ut workers accounts of the system.
The master-builders off human happiness no one rejects, ours avoids pleasure itself, because seds is pleasure, but because those who do not know to rationally.
The master-builders off human happiness no one rejects, ours avoids pleasure itself, because seds is pleasure, but because those who do not know to rationally.
The master-builders off human happiness no one rejects, ours avoids pleasure itself, because seds is pleasure, but because those who do not know to rationally.